Expected Update 2.0 or what's new on Betdoin? UPDATE

Expected Update 2.0 or what's new on Betdoin?

23.07.2021 11:30

The long-planned update of the Betdoin betting system is here. After a month of waiting, we are happy to announce that everything is ready and just before the season, the 2.0 update will be online. This is a relatively large update, which will bring several news and changes, which we will introduce in the lines below.

Under odds

We consider adding bets on unders (eg bets on less than 2.5 goals in a match) to be one of the biggest innovations in the details of each match. Now in the match details, you will find the complete offer of all bets from overs to unders for goals, corner kicks and yellow cards. As with "more than" bets, you will find the probability, bookmaker's odds and the resulting value (= value).

New filter in match statistics

We have added filters to the main menu of match statistics, which will make orientation in this section easier. There are up to 500 football matches here at the weekend. So you can find all matches, live, played, my matches and by time among the filters. The All Matches filter shows you all matches sorted by country and league in alphabetical order. Only matches that are currently being played will be filtered in the live filter. In the completed section, you will find matches that have already been played. After clicking on my matches, you will see your favorite matches, which we will discuss below. In the time filter, all matches are sorted by the start time of the match.

My matches

You can now add each match from the match statistics menu to your favorites, where it will remain until you delete it again. Here you can mark the matches that you like the most or that you have bet on them.

Yesterday's match in match statistics

Until the update, you could only watch today's and tomorrow's match. New yesterday is added so that you can evaluate the results and see what is worth betting on the most.

Possibility of a one-time payment

Currently, it was only possible to pay for the Betdoin system by subscription. Now you can pay as a lump sum and you don't have to worry that your money will be automatically deducted after your membership.

Statistics and graph of value tips

The value tips section is newly enriched with a graph of new strategies, including detailed statistics, in which you will find the total net profit of the strategy, evaluation, success rate, number of tips and number of wins. Value tips will now consist of strategies and each will have its own statistics. You can read about the current new Unders strategy in a new article on our website.

Blog about betting and football

Finally, we have a blog section where we will bring you daily news from the world of betting and football. We will inform you here about planned changes or updates. We also plan to prepare previews for big matches every week. From our point of view, the betting school is also waiting for you in the blog, as well as other tips and tricks in odds betting, which we learned during our journey. We believe that this section will be a pleasant enrichment of an already great system like Betdoin.

Thank you for reading and we firmly hope that the new update will help you to be more successful and profitable in betting.

Betdoin - Your football betting advisor.

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O autorovi

Dominik Rouš

Sázení se věnuji od roku 2011. Od malička byl sport a sázení mým velkým koníčkem. Později se z koníčku stala práce a životní styl. Začalo to přepisováním statistik, tabulek a výsledků z teletextu. Někteří dnes ani neví, co teletext je. Pro mě to v té době byla modla sportovních dat. Už od té doby jsem shromažďoval informace, bavil se s profíky a snažil se vytvořit unikátní algoritmus, který dokáže procentuálně odhadnout výsledek utkání.

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