Leipzig vs Dortmund: Preview, free tip and statistics GERMANY

Leipzig vs Dortmund: Preview, free tip and statistics

05.11.2021 08:00

Saturday's round of the eleventh round of the top German football competition will conclude the battle between the teams aspiring to secure a Champions League place.

Background information, news and team form

Leipzig, despite a fierce performance, failed to beat visiting PSG at home in the Champions League on Wednesday, and their chances of qualification are now definitely extinguished. Leipzig put in a very fine performance in the millionaire's competition, as even in such a group of death where you have PSG and Manchester City, they managed to keep up with their opponents and played open, attacking football. Unfortunately, this attacking football did manage to gift the favourites some nice goals, but the opponents always managed to outshoot Leipzig, and so, for example, the three goals Leipzig scored at City's ground meant a 6-3 defeat in the end and no points added to the final table. Leipzig still has two games to play in which they have a chance to catch up with Bruges and play at least in the Europa League. Leipzig is only in 8th place in the league with 15 because they have thrown all their efforts into the Champions League. However, if they are eventually eliminated from European competition, Leipzig could concentrate on the league and improve their final position in the table.Dortmund is also playing in the Champions League this season and Dortmund's fate has drawn Ajax, Sporting and Besiktas into the group. Dortmund managed to win their opening two matches and everything indicated that they would take care of their promotion from the group, however, in the last two matches Borrusia lost twice to Ajax, who scored 6 more points and with a total of 12 points is a sure advancer in the group. Dortmund still has to play Sporting Lisbon, who have the same number of points, for second place and the battle for second place will be very interesting. As far as the league is concerned, Dortmund is still holding on to first place Bayern, only one point behind them in second place. The complication Dortmund have to deal with is the injury of their biggest star Erling Halaand, who is expected to return after Christmas. His 9 goals and 3 assists so far will have to be replaced by someone else.



Betdoin's view of the game 

The home side Leipzig go into this match as odds-on favourites at odds of 2. A draw is available at bookmakers at odds of 3.90, and the odds for an away win for Dortmund are 3.61. The goal line for this match is listed at over 2,75. Our clever Betdoin algorithm sees the value for this match mainly in the over bets. For example, a good bet in terms of value also seems to be a no draw win bet on visiting Dortmund.

Absentees and estimated line-ups 

Leipzig had another defender Willi Orban injured during the week, which means that Leipzig is without a total of 4 defenders. Orban will thus join long-term absentees Marcel Halstenberg, Marcel Saracchi and Lukas Klostermann.Dortmund will be missing Haaland, Mateu Morey, Giovanni Reyna, Mahmoud Dahoud and Emre Can.



Leipzig - estimated line-up:

Gulacsi - Mukiele, Simakan, Guardiola - Adams, Haidara, Laimer, Angelino - Nkunku, Szoboszlai - Poulsen

Dortmund - estimated line-up:

Kobel - Akanji, Hummels, Pongracic - Meunier, Bellingham, Witsel, Passlack - Brandt, Hazard, Reus


Free tip for Leipzig vs Dortmund - Over 2,5 goals (1,57)


Leipzig vs Dortmund FAQ:

Where to watch Leipzig vs Dortmund live on TV?  The match is live on Nova Sport 3.

What players to watch during the match? Hummels, Bellingham, Nkunku, Szoboszlai.

Who is the favourite? According to the bookmakers, Leipzig (2) is the favourite.

How did the last match between the two teams end? Dortmund 3:2 Leipzig, 8/5/2021. 

What time does the match start? Kick-off at 18:30. 

What stadium will the game be played in? Red Bull Arena (Leipzig).

Where can I find the match at Betdoin? Full statistics can be found here.



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O autorovi

Michal Bartoň

Sledování sportovních aktivit a zjišťování statistik ho bavilo již od malička. Vše začalo fotbalem při obdržení prvního fotbalové dresu. Jak léta plynula, tak se k fotbalu postupně přidaly tenis, basketbal, zámořská MLB a dostihy. Při dovršení osmnáctých narozenin se rozhodl své znalosti zužikovat ve světě sázení. I přes počáteční neúspěchy, které ho neodradily se ze svých chyb poučil, a dnes k sázení přistupuje jako k investici, která ho dnes slušně živí.

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