Lazio vs Juventus: Preview, Free tip & Prediction ITALY

Lazio vs Juventus: Preview, Free tip & Prediction

19.11.2021 11:00

Serie A returns from the international break and it is back with a bang. On Sunday evening, Juventus will take on Lazio Roma.

Basic information, news and team form

Lazio have been performing solidly in Maurizio Sarri's debut season and are 5th in the table after 13 rounds, just a point behind fourth-placed Atalanta. The Romans rely almost exclusively on home soil to pick up points: while they have the best record in the league in front of their home fans (5-1-0), they have won only once away from home out of six attempts. During October, for example, the Biancocelesti suffered debacles in Bologna (0-3) and Verona (1-4), but they also beat Fiorentina (1-0) at home and Salernitana (3-0) in their last game before the international break. Apart from Serie A, Lazio are also fighting in the Europa League, where they are second in the group after four rounds. However, the lead over third-placed Marseille is only one point, so Sarri's team will have an important match on Thursday at Lokomotiv Moscow. 

More than enough has been written about Juventus' problems at the start of this season. But the fact is that around the middle of September the Old Lady picked up and jumped on the wave of 9 games without a loss in a row. This included 7 wins, the only setbacks coming in draws with AC Milan and Inter. But just when it seemed that Juventus had put the worst behind them and a return to the top of the league was only a matter of time, another unexpected wobble came. After the aforementioned 1-1 draw with Inter, Juve lost twice in a row 1-2: first at home to Sassuolo, then at Verona. These are results that the Turin club doesn't want to get used to, so speculations started about the position of manager Allegri. However, his charges managed at least the last game before the national break, when they beat Fiorentina 1-0 at home thanks to a goal in the added time. 



Betdoin's view of the match 

Will Maurizio Sarri succeed against his former employer? The slight favourite is the visiting Juventus, but the odds are quite even and a triumph of the home team would not be a sensation. A close match is also expected by the Betdoin algorithm, which has found interesting value in several goal bets. One of them is BTS, i.e. both will score. Lazio usually have gaps towards the back, but even Juventus are not always convincing in this aspect. Moreover, the Romans are very strong at home. 



Absentees and estimated line-ups 

The home team will miss injured striker Immobile, which is a big loss for Lazio's offense. Defender Marusic will also be unavailable due to covid. Juventus will have to do without the injured De Sciglio, Bernardeschi and Chiellini.

Lazio - estimated line-up:

Reina - Lazzari, Felipe, Acerbi, Hysaj - Milinkovic-Savic, Cataldi, Alberto - Anderson, Pedro, Zaccagni 

Juventus - estimated line-up:

Szczesny - Danilo, Bonucci, De Ligt, Sandro - Cuadrado, McKennie, Locatelli, Rabiot - Morata, Chiesa 


Free tip for Lazio vs Juventus - Both Teams To Score (1.70)


Lazio vs Juventus FAQ:

Where to watch Lazio vs Juventus live on TV?  The match will be live on Nova Sport 3.

What players to watch during the match? Felipe Anderson, Manuel Locatelli, Federico Chiesa. 

Who is the favourite? Juventus is the favourite according to the bookmakers (2.40).

How did the last match between the two teams end? Juventus 3-1 Lazio, 6/3/2021. 

What time does the match start? Opening kick-off at 18:00. 

What stadium will the match be played in? Stadio Olimpico, Roma. 

Where can I find the match at Betdoin? Full statistics can be found here



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Štěpán Touma

Je jedno, jestli jde o fotbal, formuli 1 nebo stolní tenis: pokud je to sport a dá se na něj vsadit, Štěpán o něm velmi pravděpodobně bude něco vědět. Na Betdoinu uplatňuje svoji celoživotní lásku k fotbalu a bohaté sázkařské zkušenosti, v článcích se tak věnuje čemukoliv, co s těmito oblastmi alespoň trochu souvisí.

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