Welwalo Adigrat Uni
Adama Kenema
Premier League 14:00 5.1.2025 - Ethiopia - Premier League
Stadion: Adama Science and Technology University Stadium
0:3 (0:1)
Avg. goals
Avg. corners
Avg. yel. cards

Percentage prediction of yellow cards in the match of Welwalo Adigrat Uni and Adama Kenema (Premier League). How many cards will they get, after all?

Help for the selected section

Yellow card statistics from the recent matches. For both teams, home and away matches are included in a predetermined ratio. The selection is made by an algorithm so that it uses only relevant matches. We do not include matches that took place several months ago in the statistics because they are not relevant in determining the current probability.

Home team - Average yellow card statistics from the last matches for the home team.

Away team - Average yellow card statistics from the last matches for the away team.

Average - Average yellow card statistics from the last matches of both teams.

Yellow card statistics from the recent matches

Home team
Away team
Team yellow cards per match
Opponent yellow cards per match
Total yellow cards per match

Help for the selected section

The probability of yellow cards in a match based on the calculations of the Betdoin algorithm. The bundle of money icon indicates the tips with the highest value. The calculation includes variables such as the form of the team and its rating, the number of fouls and yellow cards, ball possession statistics and much more.

Opportunity - Specific betting opportunity.

A bundle of money - Shows a value tip.

Chance - Chance of winning based on the tip. The Betdoin algorithm calculates it based on many different variables.

Odds - Bookmaker’s odds for the betting opportunity.

Value - Betdoin algorithm's estimate of the tip probability vs. bookmaker's estimate.The higher the positive number, the more valuable the tip.

Types of bets

  • Over 2.5 yellow cards = 3 or more yellow cards in the match
  • Over 3.5 yellow cards = 4 or more yellow cards in the match
  • Over 4.5 yellow cards = 5 or more yellow cards in the match
  • etc.

Probability of yellow cards

We are sorry. Unfortunately, there are no odds for this match.

The home team Welwalo Adigrat Uni is playing in Premier League. Our convenient BETDOINsystem contains all the stats of Welwalo Adigrat Uniteam (e.g. scored and conceded goals, corner kicks, yellow cards, shots on and off target). The away team Adama Kenema is playing in Premier League. Our convenient BETDOINsystem contains all the stats of Welwalo Adigrat Uni team (e.g. scored and conceded goals, corner kicks, yellow cards, shots on and off target). Welwalo Adigrat Uni vs Adama Kenema preview of the football match. On BETDOIN, there is the base of free football tips, analyses and predictions. At bookmaker’s, you can watch the match of Welwalo Adigrat Uni vs Adama Kenema live. You can find the live broadcast of the match of Welwalo Adigrat Uni vs Adama Kenema at Tipsport, Chance or Fortuna. Bet on the number of goals, yellow cards or corner kicks in the match.